"What a strange sad man is he! [...] In the dark nighttime he calls us to him, and holds thy hand and mine, as when we stood with him on the scaffold yonder!  And in the deep forest, where only the old trees can hear, and the strip of sky see it, he talks with thee, sitting on a heap of moss! And he kisses my forehead, too, so that the little brook would hardly wash it off!  But here, in the sunny day, and among all the people, he knows us not; nor must we know him!" (Pearl pg. 194)

Pearl is a very accepting person, if she sees the good in your heart.  She doesn't show kindness or sympathy towards the townspeople who gossip and judge her and her mother.  While Pearl has a mischievous and unruly behavior, deep down she has respect for her mother that she expresses through loyalty.  Pearl respects and admires Hester's honesty.  Everyday, Hester wears an embroidered "A" on her clothes, and doesn't try to hide it (she even embroiders it in a way that is eye-catching). Thus Pearl will always stand by her mother.  Dimmesdale isn't honest about being Pearl's father, and it bugs Pearl because she sees it as unfair to her and her mother.  The sin Dimmesdale keeps locked inside, clouds Pearls good view of him.  It isn't until Dimmesdale confesses that Pearl accepts him.
"Wave back that woman! Cast off this child! All shall be well! Do not blacken your fame and perish in dishonor!" (Roger pg. 212)

Roger Chillingworth is super annoying.  I honestly thought he was going to completely change after the talk he had with Hester in the woods when he started recognizing how corrupt he had become.  I was hoping Roger would try to correct his sins, but then he just made up excuses to justify his revenge (Roger blamed Dimmesdale for infuriating Roger, thus forcing Roger to get revenge).  Now Roger's trying to torment Dimmesdale even more by  persuading Arthur to bottle up his sins.  It's a good thing Hester told Dimmesdale that Roger was out to get him, or else Dimmesdale probably wouldn't have been able to stand up to Roger.  Then, The Scarlet Letter would have been ruined for me because I'm  glad Dimmesdale confessed.  I think it was the right thing to do.  I think Roger also thought it was the right thing because he wouldn't have tried to stop Dimmesdale from doing something that would make Dimmesdale feel more guilt.
Dear Hester,

I'm sorry, but I won't be able to run away with you.  I have thought about it, but my conscience is too strong.  I think Pearl has been right.  It isn't fair for the both of you to live through public humiliation and shame while the town thinks of me as a saint. It would be wrong for everyone to let Boston live with this false lie any longer.  Tomorrow at the town celebration I must confess!  The end is near for me, and I'd rather die knowing I did the right thing.  I hope you understand.

With the greatest love I can give,
Arthur Dimmesdale
Once, long ago, there was a woman of the name Hester so deeply inflicted by the devil himself, she bore a child that was not her husband's.  This child was cursed. It could never be like normal children because it possessed witch-like powers inherited from dark sin.  The woman and her child lived alone on the outskirts of town in a deserted cottage. They rarely left the home, but when the did, you new it was Hester because of the scarlet letter branded to her clothing.  It was the mark to warn towns people to stay away.  It is said that if you stand to close to her and breath the air she breathes, touch her, or even stare at the "A" on her chest for to long, you will be cursed into committing a sin just as awful... or worse!  It is also said that at night, her scarlet letter burns with the glow of evil fire, and one look will sear the devil through your eyes and into your soul!
Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale
Reverend Dimmesdale, Boston's minister, had led a mostly holy life up until seven years ago.  It was then that he committed adultry and became the father of Hester Prynne's child, Pearl.  The mystery of Hester's secret lover had finally been revealed yesterday, when Dimmesdale admitted in front of the whole town his great sin.  It was with this deep confession Arthur died.  In my eyes he still is just as saintly as he was before.   Through out these past seven years, Reverend Dimmesdale did nothing but give us moving and powerful sermons, enriching us with the word of God.  Meanwhile, he was tormented with the sin he kept inside, no doubt a penance he gave to himself.  In his final moments, Reverend gathered the courage to confess to Boston in public, making known the horrors of a sin deeply regretted.  This is how we should remember Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, an unperfect man, touched by the mercy and grace of God, who died with a cleared conscience.

picture from: http://www.designsbypetro.com/alphabet_lace_embroidery_designs.html

You know that old dress or shirt sitting in the back of the closet? The one that's in good condition, but you never wear because it's just so plain and boring?  Well, don't let the work or money you put into that outfit go to waste, take it to Hester's embroidery!  She'll use her beautiful needlework to spruce up your clothing.  Treat yourself to Hester's specialty, an embroidered letter! Personalize your clothing in the signature red, or now you can have green, blue, black, white, yellow, and purple colors, too!  Stop by Hester's Embroidery today!


This is a list of words I needed to look up when reading The Scarlet Letter.  Hawthorne uses a lot of hard and advanced words that I think could make it hard to understand parts of the novel if you don't look them up.

Similitude- a person or thing that is like, the match of, or the counterpart of another.

How it is used in the book: Basically, Hester is reminded of her shame and sin when ever she sees Pearl. Although Hester adores Pearl, there is also a feeling of guilt that Hester associates with Pearl.

Elfish- small and mischievous.

Pearl is constantly being described as elfish.  I think it's kind of funny how the word  that could be used as an insult is today also used when talking about jolly Christmas elves.

expostulation- kind and earnest protest

Ex: Ignoring my expostulations, you paid for my ice cream.

cabalistic- mystic;occult

countenance- appearance, especially the look or expression of the face

somnambulism- sleepwalking

I like this word and will probably try to use it the next time my sister sleepwalks.

sedulous- diligent in application or attention; persevering; assiduous

*All definitions are from www.dictionary.com*

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    November 2011



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