"Wave back that woman! Cast off this child! All shall be well! Do not blacken your fame and perish in dishonor!" (Roger pg. 212)

Roger Chillingworth is super annoying.  I honestly thought he was going to completely change after the talk he had with Hester in the woods when he started recognizing how corrupt he had become.  I was hoping Roger would try to correct his sins, but then he just made up excuses to justify his revenge (Roger blamed Dimmesdale for infuriating Roger, thus forcing Roger to get revenge).  Now Roger's trying to torment Dimmesdale even more by  persuading Arthur to bottle up his sins.  It's a good thing Hester told Dimmesdale that Roger was out to get him, or else Dimmesdale probably wouldn't have been able to stand up to Roger.  Then, The Scarlet Letter would have been ruined for me because I'm  glad Dimmesdale confessed.  I think it was the right thing to do.  I think Roger also thought it was the right thing because he wouldn't have tried to stop Dimmesdale from doing something that would make Dimmesdale feel more guilt.
Karly Keppeler
11/27/2011 08:46:53 am

Roger really is infuriating. You kind of want him to change for Hester's sake, but he seems too stubborn to let go of his hatred. Makes you wonder what would've happened to Dimmesdale if Hester hadn't warned him.


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