Once, long ago, there was a woman of the name Hester so deeply inflicted by the devil himself, she bore a child that was not her husband's.  This child was cursed. It could never be like normal children because it possessed witch-like powers inherited from dark sin.  The woman and her child lived alone on the outskirts of town in a deserted cottage. They rarely left the home, but when the did, you new it was Hester because of the scarlet letter branded to her clothing.  It was the mark to warn towns people to stay away.  It is said that if you stand to close to her and breath the air she breathes, touch her, or even stare at the "A" on her chest for to long, you will be cursed into committing a sin just as awful... or worse!  It is also said that at night, her scarlet letter burns with the glow of evil fire, and one look will sear the devil through your eyes and into your soul!
Karly Keppeler
11/27/2011 08:50:46 am

This is so much fun to read! I like how you mentioned how if you got too close you'd be cursed by her. It's a good example of the rumors spread about Hester and how the townsfolk reacted to them.


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