Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale
Reverend Dimmesdale, Boston's minister, had led a mostly holy life up until seven years ago.  It was then that he committed adultry and became the father of Hester Prynne's child, Pearl.  The mystery of Hester's secret lover had finally been revealed yesterday, when Dimmesdale admitted in front of the whole town his great sin.  It was with this deep confession Arthur died.  In my eyes he still is just as saintly as he was before.   Through out these past seven years, Reverend Dimmesdale did nothing but give us moving and powerful sermons, enriching us with the word of God.  Meanwhile, he was tormented with the sin he kept inside, no doubt a penance he gave to himself.  In his final moments, Reverend gathered the courage to confess to Boston in public, making known the horrors of a sin deeply regretted.  This is how we should remember Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, an unperfect man, touched by the mercy and grace of God, who died with a cleared conscience.

11/27/2011 05:21:00 am

I like how you mentioned that he was a good preacher. I also think that in general, he seems like good guy. He has obviously committed a terrible sin, but no one's perfect. He shouldn't be remembered by just that one mistake.

Karly Keppeler
11/27/2011 08:43:41 am

You did a really great job! It has the feel of a obituary and it reads like one. You gave a brief summary and continued on about the qualities of that person. And I like how you defended him, in a way. You made him be remembered for his good deeds, not his sins.


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