"What a strange sad man is he! [...] In the dark nighttime he calls us to him, and holds thy hand and mine, as when we stood with him on the scaffold yonder!  And in the deep forest, where only the old trees can hear, and the strip of sky see it, he talks with thee, sitting on a heap of moss! And he kisses my forehead, too, so that the little brook would hardly wash it off!  But here, in the sunny day, and among all the people, he knows us not; nor must we know him!" (Pearl pg. 194)

Pearl is a very accepting person, if she sees the good in your heart.  She doesn't show kindness or sympathy towards the townspeople who gossip and judge her and her mother.  While Pearl has a mischievous and unruly behavior, deep down she has respect for her mother that she expresses through loyalty.  Pearl respects and admires Hester's honesty.  Everyday, Hester wears an embroidered "A" on her clothes, and doesn't try to hide it (she even embroiders it in a way that is eye-catching). Thus Pearl will always stand by her mother.  Dimmesdale isn't honest about being Pearl's father, and it bugs Pearl because she sees it as unfair to her and her mother.  The sin Dimmesdale keeps locked inside, clouds Pearls good view of him.  It isn't until Dimmesdale confesses that Pearl accepts him.

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    November 2011



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