  • Beatrice doesn't know much about the plants
    Spied on by Rappaccini, Beatrice and Giovanni have been meeting everyday in the garden.  Rappiccini knows and has been watching. On their first "date", Beatrice touches Giovanni's wrist, and Giovanni gets a painful purple mark there.  But, Giovanni doesn't seem to care that Beatrice is poisonous. Even after Baglioni's warnings, Giovanni still wants to see Beatrice.  The two don't make much physical contact, but eventually I think they will either hug or kiss, poisoning Giovanni completely with Beatrice's disease. That will all be a part of Rappiccini's plan to test how lethal his daughter is.   By Rappiccini using Giovanni as his guinea pig, I think eventually Giovanni will die from whatever disease or poison Beatrice gives him.  Or, maybe Baglioni will step in and try to save Giovanni by killing Beatrice.

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