    Giovanni meets a lovely lady named Beatrice in a mystical garden, and falls in love.  But, Beatrice is already married.  Her husband becomes suspicious of Giovanni, and begins to watch him.  Seeing Beatrice and Giovanni together, the husband is so enraged, he goes to some professors to concoct something that will poison Giovanni.  Giovanni feels so bad that he's sneaking around with Beatrice that he can't even look himself in the mirror.

  • Giovanni-college student 
  •     from naples
  •     garden out window
  •     Purple bush is important and personified to have a brain
  • Baglioni- doesn't like Rappiccini (jealous?)
  • Rappiccini cares for science more than mankind
  • Two animals died in garden
  • Giovanni loves and is scared of Beatrice
  • Is Giovanni one of Rappaccini's experiments?
First Impression:
     I like how science plays a larger role in this story.  I'm excited to see how the science factor will develop. Rappaccini seems to really be a crazy scientist, and I think that will make this story fun and interesting. 
     The other thing I've been thinking about is how things will end up for Giovanni.  Will he get the girl?  Beatrice seems so plant-like and almost of another world that I wonder if it's possible for her to fall truly in love.  The fact that none of the other men in town have been able to phase her makes me curious--what make Giovanni different from any of them?  Will Giovanni's and Beatrice's relationship actually develop? Will Giovanni be like the salamander and butterfly--drawn in by beauty just to be crushed by something more powerful later on?

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